Your high school yearbook holds an important part of your past. It's fun to flip through the pages, rediscover familiar faces, and remember times that were more carefree.
Of course, no high schooler would consider their life to be carefree at the time. Especially not when it comes to things like shopping for prom dresses, picking a college, or picking a senior quote that will summarize your high school experience to your classmates for eternity.
If you're anything like me, revisiting my combover-like hairstyle and embarrassing senior quote, which I lifted from a Kanye West song, is quite a cringeworthy experience.
However, there are some kids who chose very wisely when it came to their yearbook quotes. In fact, if they weren't so funny, I would be painfully jealous for not having thought of any of them myself.
Here are some of the funniest yearbook quotes that the internet has to offer.
Did you or someone you know have a great quote? Please SHARE with friends and family!

"See kids, I told you I was hot in high school."
This guy isn't wasting any time.

"It's so hard being a single mom when you have no kids and are a male teenager."
He may not know what he's talking about, but he's not wrong.

"'Does more than one boy go to this school?' No!"
Myrtle, we feel your pain.

"'Don't pick a weird quote.' -Mom"
Mom knows best!

"You know the world has come to a dark state when you lower yourself to quoting Sex and the City."
Something tells me Sean planned this…

"My A's turned to B's and so did my grades, God bless."
She certainly gets an A for her quote!

"Bet you didn't know this was an option"
This wasn't an option when I was in high school!

"I love me a good pancake."
Who doesn't like a good pancake?

"Some days are a total waste of makeup."
I really couldn't say it better myself.

"Demand to see life's manager!"
If only this were an option…

"A lot of people were wondering what I would do if I didn't graduate… I guess we'll never know."
Some things are better left to the imagination.

"Sometimes we get snacks, and that's good; sometimes we don't get snacks, and that's bad."
This is probably the most relatable.

"When's this due?"
Great question, Lucas!

"High school is short and hard like a body building elf."
This girl definitely learned how to use a simile.

"'Brandon is pretty much the nicest person you will every meet…' —Everyone"
"'Brandon Dawson is a liar.' —Everyone"
That's some impressive teamwork!
What was your yearbook quote? Please let us know in the comments and SHARE on Facebook!