This interesting story comes to us from our friends at AOL.com.
You always feel bad about that last piece of chocolate or that second glass of wine. Well, maybe you shouldn't.
Here are some guilty pleasures that are actually good for you – in moderation of course:
1. Coffee
This drink is a real lifesaver and not just for your morning pick-me-up. It reducesyour risk of cancer, diabetes and heart failure. It also prevents gallstones.
So be sure to make friends with your neighborhood barista!
2. Chocolate
This delectable candy triggers the chemicals in your mind that boost your mood. It also improves your cardiovascular system, which can make your skin healthier. Doctors say the sweet treat can extend your life by two years.
So why wait till Valentine's Day to gorge yourself on chocolate?
3. Singing in the shower
If you're feeling a bit stressed, go ahead and belt one out. Singing has a similar effect to your brain as yoga breathing. Also you're less likely to get sick.
So you're not the next Mariah Carey, but who cares?
4. Booze
From beer to wine, drinking in moderation can be justified. It can improve your memory and boost your immune system. It lowers your risk for type 2 diabetes and cancer.
So a glass here or there won't hurt you.
5. Peanut Butter
This sandwich making staple gets a bad rap but it does have some good things going for it. It's packed with antioxidants and vitamins. It's also considered a "healthy fat" because it has less unsaturated fat than people think.
So don't skim on the peanut butter in your next sandwich.
6. Sunshine
So skin cancer is always a risk, but catching a few rays can be helpful. When you're in the sun, your body produces Vitamin D which keeps your bones healthy, and it also helps prevent some diseases.
Who said getting a tan was the only benefit?
7. Staying in on a Saturday night
Yeah, everyone else may be going to the bars, but you're just not feeling it. There's so many benefits for not going out: saving money, recharging, catching up on Netflix. But mostly, you're making yourself more desirable by creating a demand for your presence.
You do you.
Thumbnail Via LittleThings