Most people wake up every morning Monday–Friday and spend almost their entire day working. Even if you don't work the typical 9–5, there's a good chance that eight hours each day (of the 14 or so that you are awake) are spent making a living.
Even if you love what you do for a living, everyone needs a day off here and there to let off some steam, and to just have a day totally to themselves.
But humans aren't the only ones who work hard and deserve to have a little fun.
Service animals, and rescue animals alike work just as hard to do their jobs…and they don't get the option of a 401K!
Jut check out the service dog who jumped in front of a school bus for his owner!
The dogs in this video are also dedicated to saving lives, but they do it for anyone in need on their mountain.
Working as ski patrol dogs, they wake up bright and early every morning to catch the first chair to the top, and they spend their day making sure people enjoy their day of skiing, and that everyone stays safe.
On this special day, the pups get to explore and play in thanks of all the hard work they put in day after day.
SHARE this video if you think these awesome dogs deserve a day of play, too!
Ski Patroll Dogs of Snowmass from Vital Films on Vimeo.