Video Of The Week! This Slow Loris MELTS Your Heart!

He's not only adorable, he's also utterly fearless. You'll understand what I'm talking about as soon as you see what he eats right around the 0:53 second mark…but don't say I didn't warn you.

Of course, this isn't the only time someone in the slow loris's family has shattered our hearts with his epic cuteness. Remember this little lemur who's best bud was a kangaroo? We thought you would.

Unfortunately, it's illegal in most US States to keep a slow loris as a pet, but if this little guy's diet is any indication of what their feeding rituals are like, I might be okay with that.

In the meantime, we can all enjoy this video and bask in the cuteness of this little lump of love. Don't forget to SHARE this fuzzball with all of your friends!

"I'm not actually that much of a cupcake fan believe it or not."


"My tastes are very...singular."


"This isn't the weirdest thing I eat. I promise you. I'm not like that other slow loris."


"You should (slowly) steer clear of me, human!"
