What He Caught This Squirrel Doing Had Me Laughing Out Loud! I Love This!

There is something about squirrels raiding a bird feeder that just makes you laugh. Maybe it’s their naturally nutty movements that we see and love, but watching this squirrel attempt to steal food from this particular bird feeder is just down right hilarious!

With the help of a GoPro, you are able to watch the cuteness unfold as this sneaky squirrel climbs his way up the pole to get access to the bird’s food. I was quite curious what was going on in this squirrel’s mind as he climbed to the top of the pole. He sure was making an effort to try and balance himself into the right position. He was probably thinking, “OK, I got this… steady, steady and LEAP!” How cute!

I thought it was adorable how the squirrel tried to sneak up on the bird feeder like it knew he was coming. At least it worked out for him, because he seemed to be enjoying the bird’s food at the end of the video!

Please SHARE this funny video with all of your friends! They are going to love it!