Couple’s Lives Are Forever Changed After Finding An Abandoned Baby At NY Subway Station

Every day is special. Think about it — every day of our lives brings new possibilities. While most of us have a pretty good idea of the direction in which things are going, there are some instances that we could never prepare for. Danny Stewart can tell you all about it.

Back in 2000, Danny — a social worker — was about to meet his boyfriend, Peter Mercurio, for dinner. Like many people in New York, he chose the subway. But he had no clue that he'd bump into an abandoned infant along the way.

According to the New York Post, the infant was wrapped up in a sweatshirt and left in a corner of the 14th St. A/C/E station exit. At first, Danny thought that an adult was likely nearby. But after some time, he realized the infant was all alone.

Unlike many of the others at the subway that day, Danny stopped. He knew this was a situation that needed a little bit of human compassion. "I scanned, looking, but didn't see anyone. There was a baby on the ground and no one was around. How could this be?" he said.

Danny actually initially assumed that the baby wasn't real. Maybe it was just a doll someone had left behind. But as he got closer, he saw the baby moving and knew that it had been left there. Back in 2000, the story was published by the New York Post with some incorrect information. The paper labeled the baby as a girl, even though he was later revealed to be a biological boy.

"I ran down the stairs and made sure it was breathing and then called 911. It was unreal to find an abandoned baby," Danny told the publication at the time. Luckily, 21 years later, there was a wonderful update to what began as a sad story.

Danny testified at a family court but then was pulled aside and asked if he'd have any interest adopting the baby. The child's mother never came forward. It was a tough question for Danny, as he had yet to have the "kids" talk with Pete. But there was something that connected him to this child.

"When the judge asked me if I was interested in adopting, what I blurted out was an instinctual yes," said Danny. "But I was once again in disbelief that she was asking the question. That is not what was supposed to happen." It definitely threw both Danny and Pete for a loop.

"In our three-and-a-half years together, we had had one extremely brief conversation about kids," said Pete. "We didn't have any money, we lived in a really small space with a roommate. We would never have become parents [on our own]." But that nagging feeling made them realize that this was something they wanted.

"I felt like this was not even an opportunity, it was a gift, and how can you say no to this gift," Danny said. Soon after, the two dads-to-be spent Christmas with the baby, whom they named Kevin. He was in rough shape and needed all the comfort he could get.

"It just broke our hearts," said Pete. "He shook like a nervous chihuahua and didn't cry at all." The couple described how Kevin had a rash and taking care of it was one of their first parental obligations. "We just slathered him with constant affection and treated the rash, and by Christmas Day he was already healing."

The transition was also tough, because as Kevin grew, he often asked about his mother. But eventually, he accepted the fact that she wasn't part of the picture and likely left for a reason. "Whether in his quiet moments he reflects on it happily or mournfully we don't know," Pete said. "I don't think he's wishing he's having another life."

The three of them made it work, further proving that families can come together in somewhat unconventional ways. When Danny first saw Kevin, he likely had no idea that he and Pete would be raising him up to adulthood. But their family is beautiful and has a unique story like no other.

Right now, Kevin is over 6 feet tall. He's attending college and majoring in mathematics and computer science. He has his whole life in front of him, and surely he's so appreciative of his second chance. Pete knew that they had an incredible story and chose to turn it into a book. It's called Our Subway Baby, and according to Pete, Kevin is a big fan.

Even though Kevin is mostly quiet about his miraculous story, he's also proud of it. At college, he's a resident assistant (RA) and has the book proudly displayed, to introduce the topic if anyone asks. "When dormmates come to talk to him, they see it," Pete said. As it's a bit of a tough topic, using the book as a talking point makes everything much easier.

Both Pete and Danny are still quite thankful for the subway. If Danny had taken another route that day, he wouldn't have the family he does now. It's a reminder that sometimes, things happen for a reason. "You always hear anything can happen in New York, and this solidified it for me," Pete said.

It's a beautiful story, and it seems like Kevin grew up to be an outstanding young adult. In the pictures that Pete has shared on his Instagram, it's pretty obvious that Kevin has a big heart and is filled with compassion. And he also looks so happy with the family he became part of. He might not know his biological backstory, but he does know he has a bright future ahead.