Have you ever wondered if you see the world in the same way that others see it?
One of the first existential questions that I think we all ask ourselves is, "Is my blue the same as your blue?" Once we start to realize that our perception of the world around us is just one among billions, we start to ask some questions.
Concetta Antico is an artist in San Diego that went through a lot of her life thinking that she was just like everyone else around her.
However, it turns out her world is much more vibrant than most of us could ever imagine.
Recently, a genetic test let Antico know that she has tetrachromacy, which means that she has four cone receptors in her eyes, instead of the usual three in the human eye.
It's said that two to three percent of women could posses this fourth cone that lies between the green and red receptor in the eye, though research continues on the subject.
Antico puts her super vision to good use with her degree in fine arts, and her paintings are an astonishing view into the world as she sees it.
Strangely, her very own daughter is colorblind. It's amazing to think how a mother and daughter can have two opposite sight conditions, and see the world so differently side by side.
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