Going through a drive-thru, your main goal is to get in and get out. Sometimes you make time to double-check the bag to make sure your order is correct, but do you ever take time to double-check your receipt?
Daily Dot shared a video of a Taco Bell customer going viral on TikTok, claiming that one of the workers rounded up her total without informing her. TikTok user Luray posted her video explaining the details of the event that took place at a Taco Bell in La Vale, Maryland, to her followers.
The video got up to 1.8 million views. When she posted, Luray said that she hoped the big wigs of Taco Bell would see her video. In her viral TikTok, Luray explained the whole situation. She said that the cashier informed her of her total, which was $30.44. Luray gave the cashier $31 in cash and waited to receive her change, which would be 56 cents.
After Luray gave the cashier her money, the cashier handed back only a receipt and closed the drive-thru window. Then she opened it back up, handed Luray her order, and sent her off with a “Have a nice day!”
Luray stopped the cashier and explained that she didn’t receive her change. She says the cashier claimed that the order total was $31 and that Luray had given her the exact change. Obviously knowing this was not right, Luray corrected the cashier, explaining her actual total and how much change she should have gotten back.
The cashier then changed her story and said that she had to round up her total because she didn’t have the change to give to her. In her video, Luray explains that if the cashier had been honest and didn’t try to hide it, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. Then she holds up her receipt, which has a charge of 56 cents on it toward The Taco Bell Foundation.
Most places usually ask customers if they would like to round up to donate to a certain foundation, but that was not the case here. Once Luray posted her video, comments started to flood in of people claiming similar situations have happened to them as well. Moral of the story: check your Taco Bell receipts.