Hanna De Castro, 17, tweeted side-by-side images of the hairstyle she was looking for and the one her mom ended up giving her when she was a young dancer. It turns out, her mom had no idea how to style her hair the way she wanted.
While what she wanted was to have the bottom half of her hair down and parts of the sides come together in the back, the description she gave her mom as a child translated very differently.
What she got for her dance photo was literally half of her hair up in a ponytail, while the other half was down.
Hanna’s post was familiar to many other users on the social media site Twitter because people started replying with videos of their own hairstyle mistakes, many of which are shown being the same "half up, half down" style gone wrong.
Hanna even reconnected with her preschool crush after her post went viral!
Keep scrolling to see Hanna’s photos and replies from others!
Thumbnail Photo: Twitter / urchicahanna

This is 17-year-old Hanna De Castro. She shared a post online on June 11, 2017, about the hairstyle her mother gave her for her dance portrait that's getting her recognition from thousands of users.

At time of posting, Hanna's tweet had already received over 200,000 likes and 60,000 retweets since she posted it on June 11, 2017.

This is the photo Hanna uploaded to her Twitter to show her mom's interpretation of the half up, half down hairstyle.

Jennifer De Castro, Hanna's cousin, replied to her with another photo from her dance portraits with the two of them and a better look at the hairstyle. Many other Twitter users also have photo evidence of their silly hairstyles too!

Another user showed off her sister's 3rd grade yearbook photo with a hairstyle that looks similar to Hanna's.

With Hanna's tweet spreading to thousands of people, other users, like Alisha, showed off their own versions of the half up, half down hairstyle.

Like Hanna's hair issue, this girl's mother only straightened half of her hair!

The coolest thing to come out of Hanna's viral fame is that she reconnected with a friend from kindergarten named David Gonzales. "OMG I THINK I WENT TO PRESCHOOL WITH YOU," he replied to her.
He then sent her this photo of them from years ago, and the pair started talking again!
If Hanna's photo made you laugh, please SHARE this post with family and friends!