Every time we get into a car and get on the road, we're taking a huge risk, putting our lives and our safety in the hands of others.
And yet, we do it every day! We go to work, school, and the grocery store in our cars. We have our children in the backseat, and our spouses by our side. Anything can happen at any time, but we trust that we will be safe behind the wheel thanks to the vigilance of others, as well as our own keen attention.
There was nothing Jennifer Whitman could do when she got stuck in the middle of the train tracks in her car, with her son. There was no direction in which she could steer the vehicle to escape the train that was barreling toward them, to her left.
Cars were blocking her way out on all sides.
That's when teen Michael Gagliano jumped to action. He didn't even bother putting his car into park. He leaped out, letting it hit the vehicle in front of his.
Gagliano heroically guided the panicked mom to where she could fit her car in order to avoid the train.
With just seconds to spare, Whitman managed to squeeze her vehicle just past the barrier, and the train passed mere inches from it.
Now, she's crediting the teen for saving both her and her son's lives!
Please SHARE to praise this quick-thinking teen for his heroic actions!