Sisters Ruth Branum, Rubeye Cox, and Rose Shloss have all beaten the odds and made it to be over 100 years old. The youngest, baby Rose, is the tender age of 101, while the middle sister Ruth is 104, and the eldest of the trio has lived to the ripe old age of 110!
But over the years, the three sisters all parted ways to live out their own lives. One moved to Bristol, the other Oklahoma, and the youngest moved to sunny Florida. The last time the whole family was together was over a decade ago, but suddenly Rose decided she wanted everyone to meet up again!
With a newfound vigor, Rose contacted the amazing people at Wish of a Lifetime to see what could be done. And after they figured out all of the logistics, the whole family decided to meet up at the oldest sister's house in Oklahoma for a family reunion unlike any other the world has ever seen!
Ruth showered her sisters with excited compliments: "You look pretty! You've got your pearls on… I love you, sister!" And all three of the centenarians seemed to be in good health and great spirits!
While none of them knows why they've all defied the odds to live so long, they don't seem to care. Maybe it's something in the water they drink or maybe it's just their kindness and senses of humor that have let them live so long.
Regardless of the reason, one thing is for certain; we're so happy that these three got to meet up again to say face-to-face how much they love each other!
Please SHARE this touching reunion if you think everyone deserves to have their wishes come true!