There is so, so much to learn as a little baby. They've got to learn their shapes, their colors, how to tell Mom or Dad that they're hungry.
But, that's what babies do best: learn! Their brains are ready to absorb as much information as humanly possible. When they're young, it's the perfect time to teach them as much as you can, like sign language or foreign languages. The older we get, the more tired our brains become, and the less room there is for those busy neurons to store new information.
When Kyson and Kaden were born, they didn't really pay much attention to each other for a few weeks. Mom understood that they were just taking in the whole new, big world around them, but she also couldn't wait for them to realize that they were brothers.
No, not only brothers, but twins.
A few weeks passed, and these little boys were still in their own world. Then over a month went by without any recognition of the other. These little ones must have been pretty engrossed in all of the other sights and sounds around then, huh?!
Then, finally, in their eleventh week on this Earth, something awesome happened.
These two little ones were place right in front of each other. What happened next? It put a huge smile on everyone's face… including the twins'!
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