It's a pretty well-known fact that most cats really do not like to get wet.
While most of the time cats can groom themselves, there are times when they just get into a big old mess and need a proper bath — water, pet-safe shampoo, and all.
There are some cats who enjoy a good swim or a warm bath, but they are few and far between. Most of them will do everything in their power to avoid a bath, including using their claws and letting out very angry meows.
My personal theory is that they just get embarrassed that their fluffy coats get all soggy and weighed down, and they get exposed for the scrawny little guys that they truly are.
Alas, what needs to be done needs to be done.
These 16 wet cats would all very much prefer a bit more privacy while they dry off, but they're just too cute to ignore!
Does your cat like to take nice, warm baths, or does she run the other way?
Please SHARE these wet cats with family and friends on Facebook!
This kitty has seen some things.
Someone get this cat a towel. He's so exposed without all of his fluff!
This cat is plotting his revenge right before our very eyes.
She was just running off to a private corner to dry off, but we caught her on the way.
"What are you looking at, wise guy?"
There's no need to feel shame, you're still cute even with that wet coat!
That is the look of pure confusion. Don't worry, little one, you'll dry off soon enough.
Where'd all the fluff go? I guess a bath is a quick way to slim down for the camera.
"'Quick and painless,' you said? At least give me some privacy until I get a chance to fluff back out!"
Even though she watches you while you use the bathroom, she would really prefer to be left alone at the moment.
"But Mom, why?"
This kitty made a bit of a mess, but she actually enjoyed her first bath ever.
"What have you done?"
This one is thinking about how many glasses of water he's going to knock over before he feels even with his human.
That is one mad cat, but you can see from the flecks of dirt in his fur that he really needed the bath!
"Bath time is private time, thank you very much."
Does your cat like to take baths? Please SHARE these cuties with your family and friends on Facebook!