Seeing your ex-husband's new marriage announcement in the paper is never all that fun — even if things ended on the best of terms. It still feels like a bit of a blow to your ego. But when you find out that your ex was unfaithful to you that way, it just hits differently … like way, way harsher.
That's exactly what happened to one woman, Nikyta Moreno, who had the unfortunate experience of seeing her ex-husband in the New York Times' Wedding section and, at the same time, learning he had been cheating on her. It wasn't that hard to figure out, either! The dates laid out in the wedding announcement told the story. Now Nikyta has published her own side of the story and, woo man, it does not paint the groom in the most endearing light.
Of course, the internet loves a good drama, and the story has gone completely, ridiculously viral. And since everyone loves a scorned woman who stands up for herself, most people are rooting for Nikyta.
Finding out someone cheated on you, even if it's an ex, is so hard to hear. Relationships are all about trust. Opening yourself up to someone and finding out, at any point, that they were unfaithful makes you feel like you wasted part of your life. But for Nikyta, the way she figured it out was downright brutal.
Luckily, we're getting to hear her side of the story now. And while it's not pretty, DAYUM, is it a good burn. She wrote a piece for the New York Post called "I found out my ex was cheating on me — from his wedding announcement." In it, she made some huge — and hugely embarrassing (for him) — reveals.
Nikyta wrote, "According to the (New York Times) article, the couple, Rob and Lauren, started their relationship in January 2017. It also said that he had never been married. That was news to me — because I was his wife in January 2017." Whoa. So not only did he cheat, but he also denied ever having a previous wife.
She continued, "We split in late March of that year, officially divorcing in January 2018, and I never exactly understood why. Until I read about it in the Times." The wedding announcement in the New York Times, originally published on August 7, recounts the meeting of Lauren Maillian and Robert Palmer.
Niktya says her friends contacted the paper and they issued a correction, writing that Rob had been previously married. But she still felt incredibly hurt by what she had learned — that not only had her own marriage unraveled because of his new relationship, but that he had not even been honest about being married to her. "I still felt completely erased," she wrote.
Her piece continued, "He was publicly admitting that he dated this woman while we were married — the details of his infidelity laid out on the page. When I put their presentation next to the truth, it was like one of those reality-versus-Instagram memes come to life." To say she was shocked is an understatement.
Still, it seems like getting to tell her own story about their relationship is helping her to heal. She wrote, "Rob and I met in the summer of 2013 when we locked eyes through the window of the Crunch gym near Astor Place and he beckoned me inside. We were friends first, but by that winter we were dating and living together on the Upper West Side."
She said Rob was a total gentleman. They were married in December of 2015 in a civil ceremony. "But we also planned a big wedding for Aug. 12, 2017, in his hometown of Dallas," she wrote. "We put a deposit down on the venue, I bought my wedding gown, and my family booked flights from Trinidad and my native London. In December 2016, my mother, aunt and cousin flew from England to Dallas to meet his mother and look at the venue. On that trip, we chose our menu."
Then, in an instant, everything changed, and the new bride had no idea why — she said she even wondered if he had some kind of medical issue that was altering his personality! "We went to Texas for his friend's wedding and to finalize our own wedding details. I could sense something was wrong. When we returned, he said he needed space." She had absolutely no answers and no clarity — that is, until now.
After that, Rob told Nikyta that he wanted a divorce. He never bothered to mention that there was another woman involved. "Now, thanks to his wedding announcement, I understand what changed in that small window. He had met another woman," she wrote.
The scorned ex-wife says she wishes him the best and that she has since found new love. Her new relationships is "built on truth," she says. Rob denies the entire story, saying he's very surprised to read Nikyta's recounting of the events. However, we're guessing that truth is still not his strong suit.