On August 11, 2014, the world lost a kind soul and a very talented actor in Robin Williams.
It came as a shock when the news broke. From the outside, he seemed like such a happy guy, being the comedian that he was. The world will always remember him for his incredible work on the big screen.
His roles were quite iconic, but as with every actor, there were many different paths his career could have taken. Every actor gets cut from auditions, even the biggest ones. Sometimes casting directors just don't like a certain mannerism, or there isn't a spark between the other actors selected.
Either way, there are many roles that Robin came so close to playing, but ended up either turning down or being turned away from by the studio or casting directors.
Can you imagine Robin in any of the eight roles below?
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There Were So Many More Roles He Could Have Played
Upon Robin's untimely death in 2014, many lamented the roles he had yet to play in his career. He was only 63, and was such a huge talent.
But imagine all the roles that he either turned down or was denied during his career. His film career could have gone in a completely different direction.
Here are some of the roles Robin came close to playing in his lifetime.
1. The Joker In Batman
In Tim Burton's 1989 version of Batman, Robin Williams was Tim's pick to play the Joker. However, producers disagreed. Ultimately, the role went to Jack Nicholson, the producers' first pick.
2. Josh In Big
According to IMDb, Robin Williams was considered for the role of Josh in Big. While Tom Hanks ended up playing the iconic part and did an obviously amazing job, it would have been a great (yet different) movie had Robin taken the part.
3. Frank Ginsberg, The Uncle In Little Miss Sunshine
The 2006 independent comedy/drama ended up winning dozens of awards, including two Oscars. Robin was considered for the part that Steve Carell eventually got and excelled in. It would have been interesting to see Robin's take on this character, though!
4. Willy Wonka In Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
It's not too hard to imagine Robin in this over-the-top role, but it is a little strange to picture him in the wig that Johnny Depp ended up donning for the character.
5. Genie In Aladdin: The Return Of Jafar
Robin had a beef with Disney in regard to how they allegedly used his voice for merchandising after he had told them specifically that he didn't want his voice used for anything other than the movie itself.
Once he saw how things went after the original Aladdin movie, he refused to voice Genie in any further motion pictures.
Instead, Simpsons voice actor Dan Castellaneta took on the role for the sequel.
6. Jim Garrison In JFK
In the 1991 flick JFK, Kevin Costner ended up with the part for which Robin was also considered.
7. Hagrid In The Harry Potter Franchise
Robin really wanted to play the part of Hagrid in the movie versions of the Harry Potter series. However, casting director Janet Hirshenson told the Huffington Post that there was a strict rule dictating that the films feature British actors only.
8. Jonathan Mardukas In Midnight Run
The studio desperately wanted Robin to star opposite Robert De Niro in this 1988 flick, but Charles Grodin tested so well with Robert that casting directors denied the studio's wishes and said no to Robin.
Did any of these surprise you? Please SHARE with fellow Robin Williams fans on Facebook!