9 Unexpected And Clever Uses For Tea Tree Oil Around The House

If there are two cabinets at my house that are overcrowded with products I barely use, they're definitely under the sink and in the bathroom.

Under the sink is littered with various cleaning products we don't use enough and my bathroom cabinet is overflowing with various skin solutions and topical treatments.

I wish I could throw some of it out, but what if someone needs the aloe for when they get sunburned over the winter? I know it sounds silly, but it's that kind of thinking that leads me to borderline hoard things.

What if there was one product or ingredient that could do it all? Or at least almost all of it? Tea tree oil might be just the ticket.

Tea tree oil is a proven acne solution, but eliminating pimples is just the tip of the iceberg.

It is believed that tea tree oil, which originates from an Australian plant, has been used by Aborigines for thousands of years. Now it's time for you to learn about the magical oil.

1. To Treat Wounds

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

It's believed that tea tree oil was first used for its antimicrobial qualities to treat wounds.

The Journal of Clinical Microbiology Reviews confirms that tea tree oil holds antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal wounds.

2. To Cure Acne

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Since tea tree oil helps to kill bacteria in wounds, it makes sense that it would do the same for acne.

One LittleThings writer even tried this experiment and found that dabbing some tea tree oil onto the problem area helped to clear up her skin.

3. To Treat Toenail Fungus

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Tea tree oil can help fight bacteria and fungus on your toenails too!

Earth Clinic suggests painting some oil on with a Q-tip the same way you might paint on nail polish.

Do this two or three times a day until the new, fungus-free nail grows in.

4. As Pest Control

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Want to get rid of bugs but don't want to spray your house or yard with nasty chemicals? Tea tree oil to the rescue!

Most bugs can't stand the medicinal, eucalyptus-like smell of tea tree oil. To get rid of bugs, just fill a spray bottle with one part tea tree oil and 10 parts water.

5. To Cure Sore Throats

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

If your throat is sore, a tea tree oil treatment might be the answer.

One writer for Mother Nature Network says she takes a drop of oil on her tongue every hour or so when she feels a sore throat coming on. After two or three hours, she swears the symptoms are gone.

You can also gargle it in a water solution if you'd rather not take the oil straight.

6. To Treat Sunburns

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Tea tree oil's therapeutic properties include helping soothe sunburn.

Mix tea tree oil with olive oil, or the oil of your choice, and rub on the affected area.

One blogger even suggests replacing oil with butter for an even more creamy effect.

7. As An All-Purpose Cleaner

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Tea tree oil can kill bacteria in your home the same way it can on your skin.

Use the same one part tea tree oil and 10 parts water solution for pest control all over your house for an all-natural, all-purpose cleaner.

8. To Fix Bad Breath

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

Tea tree oil has a very distinct smell that I would compare to NyQuil. Minty isn't the right word, but it's not so different.

As a result, it's a great solution for freshening your breath up. Pour a few drops of oil into a glass of water and gargle your bad breath away.

9. To Prevent Lice

Janine Ngai for LittleThings

When I was in school, head lice was a constant problem. Therefore, I know a thing or two about preventing and getting rid of lice.

To me, tea tree oil smells like lice shampoo. They hate the stuff the same way other pests do. Probably because it kills them.

Pour a few drops of tea tree oil into your shampoo to prevent lice. Or, apply tea tree oil straight to your head to kill lice overnight and comb them out with a fine-tooth comb in the morning.

Remember, before you try tea tree oil on your body, test a small amount of it on your skin first to see how you react.

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