After 16 years, mom Nicola Windless finally knows the truth: Her 16-year-old daughters, Kayleigh and Michelle, aren't just twins — they're identical twins.
She had a sneaking suspicion that the teens could possibly be identical. Growing up, they looked more and more alike.
But when they were born, doctors told her that they were fraternal twins, as ultrasound scans showed two separate sacs. As such, it was assumed that they had developed from two different eggs.
Then, as the girls started exhibiting learning difficulties and epilepsy, the family decided to undergo DNA testing to find out more about their conditions. That's when they found out that the doctors had been wrong from the beginning. The twins were not fraternal but identical, and they shared the same DNA.
This means that the fertilized egg split itself in two, and each half then formed and developed in its own sac.
16 years may be a long time, but finally, the Windless family knows the truth!
Before Kayleigh and Michelle were born, ultrasounds told doctors that their mother was expecting fraternal twins.
The scans showed two sacs, so doctors were certain they would have a different genetic makeup.
But 16 years later, a DNA test revealed that they were wrong.
Despite developing in two different sacs, the 16-year-olds are really identical twins.
Looking at them, it's hard to see how this can't be true: they look so alike!
The girls started exhibiting learning difficulties and epilepsy, which was when the family decided to get DNA tests done.
But there had been other signs suggesting the bond throughout their entire lives. They couldn't be apart and always slept in the same room.
One would even know when something was wrong with the other.
Their mother, Nicola, said: "There could be other kids out there who have no idea they are identical. We didn't know for 16 years."
At least now the family knows the truth behind the sisters' DNA!
Please SHARE if you think you could have guessed that these two sisters were really twins!