When Caitlin Fladager found out she was pregnant at 18 years old, many criticized her and told the teen that the child's father, Noah, wouldn't stay around for long.
"I was told to expect him to leave," she wrote on Twitter.
The couple proved people wrong, and four years later, they are married with two sweet children.
Since then, Noah has created a tradition with their toddler daughter. Every month, he takes her on a daddy-daughter date.
"He brings her home flowers, helps her pick out a dress, and takes her out to split a dessert with him," Caitlin explained.
Not all who have heard about these daddy-daughter dates approve. Some people call them "creepy," but Caitlin has written that it's helping their daughter learn how she should be treated when she starts dating later in life.
Personally, some of my fondest memories as a child were hanging out with my dad. He would never miss an opportunity to get all dressed up and be my date for a daddy-daughter dance. I cherish those memories so much and remember them like they were yesterday.
So when Caitlin began uploading photos of the duo's dates, many people from around the world, including myself, fell in love with them.
Keep scrolling to see all the pics.
Thumbnail Photo: Facebook / Caitlin Fladager
Noah and Caitlin are high school sweethearts and have been married for three years. They have two adorable children.

Since January 2017, Noah takes their daughter out for daddy-daughter dates every month.
"My husband decided once a month he will take our little girl out on a 'date' where she gets all dressed up and gets taken out for cake and ice cream," Caitlin wrote on Facebook.

He lets her choose her outfit for their special date.

"She loved it was so happy when she got home," Caitlin wrote. "She will always know how she deserves to be treated because her dad sets such a high example."

Like many dads, Noah thinks his daughter is a princess and she should be treated as such, which is why he does these fun dates.

They go to a restaurant and split a dessert while having some important daddy-daughter bonding time.
Caitlin was a teen mom when she had her daughter, and while many people told her Noah would run, he's stayed with her every step of the way.
"When I got pregnant at 18, I was told my life would be over. But really, it was just beginning," the mom wrote on Twitter.
Another tradition the two have? Noah plays his daughter a song on the piano before bed every night.
Caitlin is not only grateful to have such a wonderful husband, she feels blessed that he's an amazing dad, too.
"My husband was only 17 when I got pregnant with our daughter & I was told to expect him to leave," Caitlin wrote on Twitter. "4 years ago, when I asked him how he would be different than any other teen dad, he said 'I guess you’ll have to wait and see so I can show you.' He definitely did."
Despite the complaints of a few critics, Caitlin wrote on Facebook that she plans on having the same kinds of dates with her son once he gets older.
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