Matthew Charles Hay-Chapman is a 55-year-old homeless man living in San Francisco. His life was changed in an instant when he made a shocking discovery — all by pure happenstance. Recently, Matthew was taking his morning walk to McDonald's for a cup of coffee when a white van, parked across the way in the Whole Foods parking lot, instantly caught his eye. Matthew's gut told him something wasn't right with that strange van. It seemed out of place, and he could tell there were multiple people sleeping inside.
Instead of ignoring his instinct, Matthew kept his eyes on the vehicle. Suddenly, a man emerged from the white GMC van. Matthew realized why the van had stood out to him so much. He'd seen the van, and the man's face, printed in the newspapers he'd retrieved from trash cans.
As it turned out, the man in the van was one of three escaped convicts from Central Men’s Jail in Santa Ana, in jail for counts of kidnapping, torture and/or murder. For nine days, the entire state of California had been on a manhunt searching for the dangerous fugitives! Matthew flagged down the cops to alert them of his discovery, and the men were arrested.
It must have been some kind of fate for Matthew, who had been sleeping in the garden of Golden State Park; he'll be receiving a $1o0,000 reward for their successful capture of the fugitives. With the money, Matthew hopes to start a new life and help his grown children, who are also struggling.
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