Prison Inmates Are Matched With Abused Dogs, And The Outcome Is Awesome

In the state of Colorado, there are a handful of prisons that take in shelter dogs who have been found beaten, starved and/or abandoned. And in just two months, the inmates make these "throwaway" dogs adoptable. It's a program that makes even the toughest of prison inmates turn tender-hearted.

Inmates who remain "trouble-free" for six months qualify for the program, which turns convicts into dog trainers. Some inmates have trained nearly 60 dogs!

One of these participants is Cynthia, who was sentenced to life in jail for convicted murder. Now, her canine companion sleeps in her jail cell, providing her with a maternal sense she never felt before. "It gives me comfort just hearing her breathe and just hearing her move at night," she says. "It's helped teach me love and care — things I didn't always notice on the streets." Another former inmate attributes his now successful family life to his last four years in prison training dogs. With tears in his eyes, he admits he sent a piece of himself home with every dog to whom he had to say goodbye.

What an incredible second chance for both the dogs and the inmates. If you agree, please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!