Mom And Kids Play Hilarious Prank With Dad’s New Car On April Fools’ Day

I have never been good at practical jokes when it comes to April Fools' Day. I've tried tricking some friends by telling some tall tales in the past, but I just can't keep a straight face! I start laughing before I even finish my joke. Only one particularly gullible friend has ever fallen for my jests, even with me cracking up through the whole thing. That's why I'm so impressed by anyone who can pull it off, even if I happen to be the unsuspecting target.

They aren't always mean-spirited, after all. A ruse can be heartfelt, like the woman who was surprised by her own brand-new home. Other times, the jokesters let things get way too out of hand. This mom and her kids, however, keep things perfectly innocent and hilarious as they trick Dad with a silly prank. Knowing he hasn't been all that happy with his new car, they decided to make things extra frustrating for him when he got home from work.

While watching from an upstairs window, they wait for him to park the car and collect the recycling bin from the curb before deploying their plot. It's a pretty simple, yet totally genius, scheme: using the spare key's remote control, they repeatedly pop open the car's trunk lid just as he starts walking away.

You'd think he'd get the joke after one or two attempts to keep it closed, but just wait til you see how long he endures their antics!

And don't forget to SHARE this awesome goof with your friends and family!