One of my favorite sayings comes from a comedian: "Age only matters if you're cheese." Sure, it sounds silly when you put it like that, but it does ring true when you see amazing examples of individuals who don't let the years they've lived determine what they're capable of doing.
Whether they're performing stunning displays of athleticism or simply enjoying their time surrounded by loved ones, it's always amazing to remember that being "over the hill" doesn't make you obsolete. Newlyweds John Porter and Gwenda Levy prove that as they act just like young sweethearts on their wedding day.
Of course, that probably has something to do with the fact that they were each other's sweetheart back in the 1950s. The couple met when they were just 19 and 20 years old, dating for a few years before eventually going their separate ways. Now at 86 and 87, that spark is alive once again after Porter sent Levy a love letter recently. Just reading his name on the return address made her heart skip a beat.
During their years apart, they each found other spouses and raised families. After losing his wife to dementia, Porter was inspired to reach out to his old flame and discovered her husband had recently passed of the same disease. Understanding exactly what the other has gone through helped them to reconnect, as well as the support of their children.
Though Levy thought it was a little unnecessary to get married at their age, Porter's romantic charm was impossible to deny.
Take a look below to see the smitten couple and be sure to SHARE with your friends!