Adorable Piglets Follow Their Mother No Matter Where She Goes!

Mother always knows best! Whether you're a human or an animal, it always seems like Mom is always the one who calls the shots!

We may not understand why our parents feel a certain way or want us to do certain things at the moment, but it's pretty much guaranteed that we'll understand down the road. Like a mother bird dropping her babies out of a nest, it may be scary, but all she wants them to do is fly on their own.

And that mother-child bond and trust transcends all species as we've seen every baby animal seek out its mother for all protection and wisdom.

Take a look at this family of pigs in the video below. They're just going for a nice stroll on this beautiful day in the woods. When it came time to cross a river, the mamma didn't hesitate at all to cross since she knew her babies would be fine and needed to learn to be brave.

After their mom crossed, the babies didn't miss a beat and immediately leapt right into the water. They may be much smaller and could barely keep their heads above the water, but they can't leave their mama behind. How brave of them! And it's also just plain adorable to see them hop like that.

If I had to ever do something like that for my mother, you bet I wouldn't even bat an eye and I'd be right on it. With Mother's Day on the way, let your mom know just how much you love her and that you'd do anything for her!

Please SHARE if you love your mom more than anyone else in the world!