Fisherman Helps A Pregnant Stingray Give Birth To Two Pups

Witnessing the miracle of life isn't just exhilarating when it's seeing human births. All births are beautiful, whether it's that of creatures of the land, or creatures of the sea, or creatures we wouldn't otherwise pay attention to. The circle of life continues, even if we can't see every part of it.

We may not find some animals "adorable" — in fact, we may even find them repulsive. Stingrays aren't usually well-loved by all, although they are fascinating creatures; but this didn't stop one fisherman from lending a helping hand when he could.

Calvin Conger was fishing with his father, Terry, when he caught a pregnant stingray. He had been planning to use it as bait, but they saw something quite incredible, and even caught it on camera: the mom was in the middle of giving birth to not just one, but two pups. So Terry took matters into his own hands, and pressed down on the stingray's belly to help her. In a matter of minutes, the two babies emerged. All three stingrays were released back into the water!

Now watch the unbelievable footage of this once-in-a-lifetime experience…

Please SHARE if you think Terry did an absolutely wonderful thing for a fellow being!
Caught On Camera: Fisherman Helps Stingray Give… by BarcroftTV