When we lose a loved one, it's heartbreakingly difficult to imagine never seeing their face again or hearing their voice. Photos are nice, but being able to listen to them speak their familiar words is something we rarely get to hold onto. It gets easier as time goes by, of course, but you never really stop wishing you could just pick up the phone and call them.
You've probably seen adorable teddy bears that carry recordings inside their bellies used to help grieving family members or celebrate a new life entering the world, but I definitely haven't seen anything quite like the moment in the video below.
11 years ago, Bristol, England resident Jean Walters lost her husband, Dennis, to lung cancer. Now, the 83-year-old grandmother of five has been battling dementia. She finds herself frequently forgetting things and getting confused, which sometimes leads to emotional outbursts.
One thing that always helped soothe her, though, was a special teddy bear given to her for her birthday in 2005 by her granddaughter, Abbie. Every morning she would wake up and give the cuddly toy a squeeze to hear Dennis say, "You're the best girl in the world for me." The sweet phrase was something he began telling her while writing letters to her during the war, but the recording gave out last month.
Abbie took the bear and told Jean she would sew it up for her, but instead sent it off to have the recording fixed! Take a look to see her grandma's reaction when she hears those loving words again.
And be sure to SHARE this emotional moment with all your friends!