Blind Rescue Dog Brings Comfort To The Elderly

Born with deformed legs and missing eyes, Noah the dog began his life withering away at a dirty backyard breeder in California. Thankfully, rescuers from Saving K9 Lives found little Noah and his siblings, and swiftly whisked them out of harm's way and into new forever homes.

Lisa Marie Edge adopted Noah, knowing at once that they were meant to be in each other's lives. From the moment little Noah joined her family, Edge could feel that this dog had a special gift to share with the world.

She tested out her theory by taking Noah to a nearby nursing home, curious to see if his presence would have any impact on its elderly residents' lives. And sure enough, from the moment they walked in, Noah's boundless compassion inspired tears of joy.

Now, Noah travels all over his community, comforting the elderly, teaching kids valuable life lessons, and gifting heart-to-heart hugs to everyone he meets.

Noah's mom, Edge, told LittleThings, "Who would have thought this little dog that shouldn't be alive could be changing and inspiring lives?"

Scroll through our gallery to learn more about how this incredible dog is changing hearts and minds all throughout his community.

[H/T: People]

Lisa Marie Edge

Little Noah the dog was born into a terrible situation.

He spent his first five months alive struggling to survive in a breeder's yard with no eyes and deformed back legs.

Thankfully, Saving K9 Lives stepped in, saving Noah and his two siblings from their awful life.

While Noah recovered from his traumas, his rescuers posted photos of little, two-pound, blind, malnourished Noah online, hoping to find him a loving forever home.

And as luck would have it, Lisa Marie Edge of Wisconsin — nurse, kindergarten teacher, and already mom to one blind pup — spotted Noah's photo and just knew he was destined to join her family.

Lisa Marie Edge

She filled out an adoption application five minutes later and after an extensive review process, became little Noah's forever mom.

With a halo, gifted by Muffin's Halos, and his own wheelchair, donated by Judy Walter, mom of Mango on a Mission, Noah ventured off to Wisconsin to start his life anew.

Soon after his arrival, Edge started noticing something very special in Noah.

As she told People, "I found out that Noah has a really unique personality.

“He only wants to sit on your lap with his head in your neck, so heart-to-heart, neck-to-neck. He does not want to be held any other way."

She told LittleThings, "In the short time that I had him, I could sense there was something very calming about this dog.

"[He had] no eyes, handicapped back legs, yet he never complained. [He was] always even mannered and calming toward me."

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

After watching Noah bring such astounding love and compassion to her family and friends, Edge began to feel like this little pup might be destined for greater things than just hanging out at home all day.

She told LittleThings, "I wanted to share this feeling with others, and I simply started out asking a nearby nursing home, Sienna Crest in Mineral Point, WI, if I could try this out."

She planned to bring Noah to the nursing home and let him interact with a few of the residents, as a compassion-sharing trial run.

"I wanted to see how he responded."

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

Of her first experience at the nursing home with Noah, Edge told People, "This little old woman, who was in the dementia unit, hadn't spoken for so long, and when Noah got into her lap she started to grunt.

"It was at that point that I knew that he had something."

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

She told LittleThings of the experience, "It was an overwhelming success!

"In fact, the residents loved Noah SO much, they threw him his first birthday party! That happened!"

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

Some of these elderly folks' families rarely visit, while other residents have been entirely abandoned by their families.

Edge told LittleThings, "I cannot describe to you the feeling I get in my gut and my chest, when these elderly people hold Noah on their chests and smile, or grunt, and cry.

"Yes. So many have cried."

Facebook/ Lisa Marie

Word of Noah's calming powers began spreading across Edge's community.

Soon, Murray Park Elementary School got in touch, interested in having Noah drop by to participate in an anti-bullying lesson for its fifth grade class.

Facebook/ Lisa Marie

Once again, little Noah's compassionate spirit opened hearts and minds.

When he walked into these kids' classroom, missing eyes and decked out to the nines in his halo and wheelchair, these kids were positive little Noah wouldn't be able to play or run or do anything fun.

But in no time at all, he proved them wrong.

In that moment, Noah gifted these children with a valuable real-world lesson. Sure, Noah looks different from other dogs on the outside. But on the inside? He has a beautiful soul, worthy of compassion, empathy, and respect.

Edge told People, "By the time we leave they don't see Noah as a disabled dog. That's how I want humans to see each other."

Facebook/ Lisa Marie

Noah's powerful messages promoting tolerance and acceptance instead of bullying have completely inspired his fifth grade buddies.

They even gifted him his own photo in the yearbook, as their Honorary Favorite Rockstar.

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

Noah's visits continue making lasting impacts.

Edge wrote on Noah's Facebook page of one boy who, "had been bullied on the school bus in the past, so when a female classmate was being bullied, he defended her, and took care of her."

When his mother asked him what had inspired his bold act of bravery, he told her he'd "learned it from Noah."

As Edge told People, "It's these stories, that you think people may not be listening or they are not taking it to heart, but then you get stories like this and it takes your breath away.

"Here is this dog, who shouldn't even be here and he is saving lives."

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

Even more amazing, thanks to social media, Noah's influence has spread far beyond his local community.

Edge receives so many inspiring anecdotes from Noah's fans explaining how seeing him embrace life with compassion, despite the challenges he's been dealt, have helped them overcome their own adversities.

One woman even brings a picture of Noah with her to her chemo treatments, as a reminder of his unwavering strength.

This dog has inspired so many that the American Humane Association recently nominated him for a Hero Dog Award.

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

Noah is such a beacon of love and hope to all he meets, particularly to his mom.

Edge told LittleThings, "Noah has also taught me to not complain.

"Look at the hand Noah has been dealt, and he never complains.

"If I have a not so good day, I look at Noah and say to myself, 'what do I possibly have in my life that is so bad?'

"Noah sits his entire life in darkness, with sore knees. Yet, he is happy."

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

She continued, explaining, "I have also learned the difference between empathy and sympathy.

"I used to feel sympathy for Noah because of his lack of eyes, but there is no reason for that. How does feeling sorry for him help him?"

Lisa Marie Edge

"It is ok, however, to have empathy.

"Is Noah healthy? Yes. Is he happy? Yes. Is his belly full? Yes. Does he feel loved? Yes. Is he spoiled? You bet. The way it should be."

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

After her experience caring for Noah and her other disabled pups, Edge told LittleThings, "I will always rescue the ones that don’t have all their parts and pieces. I will rescue those who are unwanted and unloved…the throw-away dogs. I cannot see myself adopting a 'normal' dog again.

"I have kept my promise, as I have five disabled pups. Each has varying degrees of handicap."

Edge did add, though, that she realizes, "Saving handicapped dogs isn’t for everyone.

"People can say some pretty hurtful things when you tell them that you want this severely deformed dog. Some even ask why you would want a dog that can’t do anything.

"It is funny that once Noah was home and acclimated to my house, people began to see that he is just about as normal as a 'normal' dog is! People fear animals that are different. It's the same with people.

"We are quick to judge and make assumptions because people look different from the norm.

"We're out to change those perceptions."

Facebook/ Noah’s Legacy: I’m a blind rockstar, this is how I roll

Hug by hug, little Noah is certainly doing his part to gift his community with fresh perspective and heartwarming healing.

What do you think of this adorable rescue pup's story? Have you ever adopted an animal like Noah? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.

Are you inspired by Noah's story? You can vote for him to win an American Humane Association Dog Hero Award here.

Please SHARE this adorable story with other animal lovers in your community.