The Miller Quintuplets Turn 18 Despite Warnings From Doctors

Nancy and Kent Miller wanted a big family, but by the time they hit their thirties, they knew it was a long-shot. Four years after they got married, Nancy gave birth to their daughter, Anna. Two years later, a bombshell.

Nancy was pregnant again, and this time, it was quintuplets. This only happens in 1 in 60 million births!

But with this surreal and exciting news came an outpouring of concern and frightening warnings. Getting pregnant with twins is already risky, let alone quintuplets. Carrying multiples poses a higher risk of health complications for both mother and babies, plus a higher likelihood of physical disabilities and developmental delays. Nancy and Kent heard an endless barrage of horror stories, and doctors prepared the couple for the worst. In fact, doctors said it was likely that one or more of the babies would not survive.

For five months, Nancy went on bedrest. For six weeks, she lived at UNC Hospitals. And on July 7, 1998 — at 32 weeks — 30 doctors and nurses delivered the Miller quintuplets via C-section. Emery, Grace, Ellie, Maggie and Martin were the only surviving quintuplets born in North Carolina.

Fast forward 18 years later, and the quintuplets are once again making headlines. Just wait until you see them today…

Meet this incredible record-breaking family below, and SHARE their story with your friends on Facebook!