Parents Discover The Genders Of Their Triplets By Slicing Into Three Small Cakes

When my brother and his wife first learned they were pregnant, we liked to tease them by guessing they'd end up with twins. The panic that crossed their faces each time was hilarious, and while I'm sure they would have stepped up to the challenge, they've definitely got their hands plenty full with just my one nephew as it is.

I can only imagine how parents feel when the doctor tells them they're expecting not one, not two, but three bundles of joy.

Sure, sets of multiples do come with their own level of challenges, but most families are more than happy to accept that responsibility. In fact, many of them believe the more the merrier, like the kiddos who make up the Maybin family brood!

That's clearly how the couple below feels about their upcoming triplets as they gather their family and friends to reveal the babies' genders.

Like the Glover family, the parents in the video below have also decided on a yummy way to unveil the mystery with some delicious cake.

However, instead of layers, they've gone for three separate petite cakes which they slice into one by one to reveal the shade of blue or pink hiding under the polka-dotted frosting. With Dad wearing blue and Mom in pink, it's obvious what they're both hoping to find inside the sweet confection.

As they make their way through the first two, it looks like Dad is going to get his wish for a third time. Take a look to see what the last cake is!

And be sure to SHARE the amazing moment with your loved ones!