Ellen sometimes has some surprising shows, but usually they're most surprising because of the jokes she spits out so effortlessly and the witty conversations that she starts with them.
However, with these twin guests, the most shocking part is the fact that they actually barely speak English…
Now don't get discouraged, this interview is not lacking in any way compared to Ellen's usual guest dialogues.
Ellen, per usual, makes up for the information that is lost in translation… literally.
These twin girls' cuteness definitely adds to the interview, too, but I think the way that Ellen talks to people is just… magical.
I remember one of my favorite Ellen guests was another little kid who was actually pretty well spoken, but just hilarious in the way that he would go back and forth with her. He's known as the "Apparently Kid", but he definitely has more to say now…
These little twins might come back one day with the English language under their belt, and if they do, I can guarantee they'll be entertaining with or without Ellen there to keep the conversations clear. Watch the two of them laugh and speak to her with their translator nearby. The one sentence they do memorize for this day? Absolutely adorable…
Please SHARE these cute twin guests if you agree that Ellen can have an interview with anyone and make us laugh!