Tessa Wisloh count not believe what she got in trouble for at school. The 17-year-old high school senior went to school wearing a sleeveless blouse with a black cardigan over it.
"They go, um, you need to remove your jacket," Wisloh told ABC Action News. "And I'm like, excuse me, this is my outfit. I'm not going to take off my jacket. She says, 'We have to check and see if your shirt has sleeves underneath your jacket.'"
Although no skin was showing, the school told her to take off her jacket and said the sleeveless blouse she was wearing under violated the dress code. Wisloh was given a verbal warning that will remain on her permanent record.
When ABC Action News investigated this story, they discovered the county's official dress code does not indicate whether or not it OK for students to wear a cardigan or jacket over a sleeveless shirt.
One look at Wisloh's outfit shows that there's absolutely nothing "provocative" about it.
"It's a little upsetting as a parent to think that my daughter is now getting harassed at school and asked to remove an article of clothing for something that just seems preposterous," Frank Wisloh said. "We live in Florida. It's 90 some odd degrees, and it's hot."
What do you think? Should Wisloh have been punished so harshly? Let us know in the comments!
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