Dab Castor Oil On Your Face To Clear Up Blemishes. And That’s Only One Of 10 Surprising Uses

Castor oil has been known as a common household item for a very long time. The oil is originally derived from the seeds or castor beans of ricinus communis plants, which commonly grow in tropical regions.

Due to it being filled to the brim with minerals and proteins, its antifungal and antibacterial properties create a cure-all for pretty much anything that’s bothering you.

Castor oil also has a ton of vitamin E in it that can lead you to ditch your acne medicine or antiaging cream and use this instead.

From beauty, medicinal, lubrication, or industrial purposes, this oil can be used for a variety of reasons, much like witch hazel and coconut oil.

That’s why castor oil now has a permanent residence on my bathroom shelf.

Even with the benefits that this multipurpose oil has to offer, the taste of castor oil can be a tad repulsive. However, there are a number of different ways for you to use it without even coming close to tasting it.

Scroll through the gallery below to learn more about this incredible oil, and what it can do for your skin, body, appliances, and health!

Surprising Use #1: Soothes Joint Pain

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

The mere topical use of castor oil is found to bring about relief in areas of soreness. By applying this oil directly to your joint pain, it acts directly on the immune system by triggering the thymus gland.

Being that 90 percent of castor oil includes ricinoleic acid, which has a lot of antiinflammatory properties, congested lymph vessels are put at ease by its ability to enable blood cells to move freely throughout the body.

Surprising Use #2: Relieves Muscle Soreness

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

Castor oil has a warm quality to it that can promote fluid circulation within the body.

This oil does wonders when it comes to relieving overworked muscles and even if you wish to use it as a massage oil.

Let's say you have an aching calf or shoulder, rub a bit of castor oil on the particular sore area, and voilà!

Surprising Use #3: Acts As A Natural Laxative

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

When ingested, castor oil has a very strong laxative effect. If interested in cleaning out the bowels, you can expect to within two to five hours after having taken the oil.

The amount of oil you take can easily be adjusted as its effects are directly linked to how much oil you're consuming.

It can easily be taken in a glass of orange juice, and the usual dosage for adults is one to two tablespoons.

Surprising Use #4: Promotes Hair Growth

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

By applying warm castor oil with a Q-tip to your eyebrow, hair may grow denser in that region as well as gain more of a shape.

Massaging castor oil on your scalp may improve circulation and promote hair growth if applied every night. You should be able to see a difference in your hair within about two weeks.

Surprising Use #5: Enhances Hair Color

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

If you wish to make your hair look thick, rich, and shiny, this oil will definitely do the trick.

Try warming up the oil and dousing your fingers in, ultimately running it through the hair on as many strands you can get.

By locking in moisture when applied, the oil preserves each strand and makes it thicker and darker.

Surprising Use #6: Doubles As A Natural Mascara

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

This old-school beauty trick will create fuller lashes, and a more natural way of making your eyes pop.

Being that mascara is used mainly to make your eyelashes appear darker and fuller, when applying castor oil with a few more ingredients, you'll have a simple DIY mascara that's healthier for your lashes.

By just coating your lashes in castor oil each night with a mascara brush, your eyelashes may even grow thicker.

If interested in making a homemade mascara, blend two tablespoons of castor oil, one tablespoon of melted beeswax, and later mix in your desired amount of charcoal or cocoa powder for color.

Surprising Use #7: Moisturizes and Treats Skin Problems

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

This thick seedy oil might be a bit tricky to apply. A little oil goes a long way, and all you'll need is a teaspoonful when rubbing it onto your skin. You can even lighten its thick texture with coconut oil or your oil of choice.

You can use castor oil to treat acne, warts, and skin tags. This oil is primarily beneficial to areas of the skin that are dry and maybe scaly. The oil deeply moisturizes and nourishes skin with the fatty acids and vitamin E it contains. So instead of using pricey moisturizers, castor oil can be used instead.

Direct application is the best way of getting rid any unwanted blemishes.

Surprising Use #8: Aids Sleep And Treats Insomnia

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

With the day-to-day stresses of work, family, and just overall life, more and more people on average are pretty sleep deprived.

Castor oil can serve as a great sleep aid and help you fall asleep faster.

If you have trouble falling asleep on most nights, dab a bit of castor oil on your eyelids or ingest a tablespoon.

Definitely prepare for a long sleep and make sure that you're restful sleep won't be cut off in less than six hours or less, or you'll end up pretty groggy.

Surprising Use #9: Acts As A Lubricant

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

Not only is this superb oil great for essential beauty uses, but it serves as a highly effective lubricant for moving parts of machines or appliances.

Castor oil doesn't spoil rubber, and can be safely used on kitchen appliances such as hand-cranked grinders or scissors.

This oil is as lubricating as Crisco or grease!

Surprising Use #10: Creates Beautiful Nails

Céline Haeberly for LittleThings

With a daily treatment of applying castor oil to your nail beds, pesky cuticles, or fungal infections, you'll be primed for a polish-free look immediately.

Just dab a cotton Q-tip in a bit of oil and go to town on whatever areas you think could use a little moisture.

Did your parents use castor oil when you were younger? What other surprising uses have you found? Let us know in the comments.

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