The amount of people who lose their loved ones to war is heartbreaking, especially when they're so young.
The story of a 21-year-old soldier who donated his heart to a woman in need, it broke mine. He sacrificed his life, more than once, in order to save others.
All of the soldiers, whether they make it home or not, are heroes. They're heroes as soon as they put that uniform on and even when they take it off.
They do what they do for our country. For our families. And for the millions of people they'll never even meet.
Thanking them for that is impossible. And going through the loss of a loved one when it's completely out of your control and unexpected is unimaginable.
Artis Henderson is the young woman you're about to meet in this video. And she lost her husband, Miles, to the war in Iraq years ago.
But after Miles was gone, she found a love letter written to her in case this tragedy struck.
I can't imagine what she feels like reading this letter.
But she shares some of it with the world during this interview.
And she shares her journey as an un-remarried war widow in the book she wrote — a book I wouldn't be able to get through without tissues, I'm sure.
Please SHARE this story with your friends and family if it touched your heart, too!