Identical Twins Squirm In The Womb At 20 Weeks In Unretouched MRI Video

New parents often cannot wait to meet their little ones. From the second they hear that there's a tiny human growing in Mom's belly, those nine months can't go by fast enough to meet the new family member, or members.

It used to be that parents couldn't even find out the sex of their child before he or she was born, or couldn't even see a very grainy, confusing ultrasound picture of them. The first glimpse of the baby was the moment he or she entered into this world, screaming or crying.

However, with modern technology, new parents-to-be are able to get much earlier glimpses of their little guys or girls.

Ultrasounds are still pretty blurry, and the images that we get are still pretty heavily digitally touched-up sometimes. But with an MRI? The image is pretty much crystal clear.

Any mom will understand the feeling of being punched from the inside, as if the baby were practicing some boxing early in life. Those who haven't experienced it might think that you've been exaggerating the very strange feeling.

This short but sweet MRI video of identical twins in the womb is truly eye-opening. It looks as if these guys are about to brawl for a bit more space in Mom's belly. That one on the right looks a little squished in that little corner of Mom's womb!

The miracle of childbirth, the whole process, truly is mystifying and amazing to me.

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