As adults, we don't have many memories from when we were children, which fade over the years. Of course, we don't have any from the first few months of life — but that's why our parents take as many photos as possible of our early days, so they will remember them for as long as they can.
These photos also give us an idea of what our early childhood was like.
For years, Ramana Puppala's father carried one of these photos in his wallet. It featured him and his 9-month-old son in 1978, posing on a rooftop parking lot with the Chicago skyline in the background.
But the most noticeable feature? The classic car in the shot with them: a 1978 Cutlass Supreme.
Now, 38 years later, Ramana was able to re-create the same photo with his own infant son — but not before years of searching for the same exact car. He finally found one at an auction in Pennsylvania, and outbid everyone!
The Rush University Medical Center helped the Puppala family organize the newest photo shoot, as the original photo was taken on the roof of the hospital's parking lot. It wasn't just Ramana and his son whose photos were taken — the whole Puppala clan came together for the event!
Please SHARE if there are any photos from your childhood that you would love to re-create with your kids or grandkids!