Little Girl Can’t Hold Back Tears When Her Late Father Contacts Her Through A Medium

Losing a loved one is an indescribable feeling. Whether it's someone older or younger, it means no less and no more.

There is never a way to prepare and there is no real way to recover.

People are lucky if they get to experience their first decade of life without losing someone, but the little girl you're about to meet has suffered more than most, losing her father at only 5-years-old.

She is now 11-years-old, and herself and her mother decided to go to see a medium.

6 years ago when they suddenly lost the best man in their life, everything changed. But she and her mother were in search of some relief and closure when they went to see a The Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo.

During this reading, the emotions seem to go up and down within seconds.

The closure seems to be there, but that doesn't mean that the heartache will subside. It reminded me of the news anchors who got a reading on live TV, the emotions are always pouring out because of the loss, but there can sometimes be happy tears within the pain.

Watching this, if you've lost a loved one, you will appreciate and relate. Whether you believe in medium's or not, this little girl deserved this conversation. Can't you agree?

Please SHARE this amazing moment if you wish you could connect with a lost loved one too!