Woman Finds Hedgehog Swimming In Her Pool, Amazing Rescue Ensues

If there's ever been an animal-related video worthy of going viral, this is it… and it's perfect for summer, no less!

Able to leap into a pool in a speeding bound, Sarah Willis rescues a struggling hedgehog from drowning, capturing the moment with her Google Glass (think computerized sunglasses). Sarah admits that wearing Google Glass isn't normally recommended in pools, but this was an emergency after all. I love how the hedgehog happily allowed itself to be scooped up in Sarah's hand. The music is, hands down, what makes this rescue so epic. Seriously, could it be any more perfect?!

According to Jersey Hedgehogs, these adorably prickly creatures will fall into any steep sided hole, whether or not it is filled with water. Any type of open drain, trench or pit as well as steep sided ponds and swimming pools are all potential death traps. Please do all you can to avoid these fatalities by providing escape ramps or rafts and by covering drains. And while hedgehogs are typically skilled swimmers, they eventually tire out and drown if they cannot find a way to escape.

So, this little guy got to have a relaxing dip in the pool, but eventually he would have gotten exhausted. Thank you, Sarah, for saving him!

Watch Sarah the Superhero in action below, and please SHARE this amazing video with your friends on Facebook!