When this video first begins, it seems like a normal group of enthused members of a biker club. They're driving slowly through a small town with their powerful engines roaring.
Then suddenly you notice that one of the beautiful motorcycles is pulling what seems to be a casket. As the motorcycle draws closer and closer, it becomes clear that this isn't a just convoy of motorcycle enthusiasts, but instead it's actually a funeral precession.
While not exactly what you would call a "normal" funeral precession, when you find out who it was for, it makes sense to have such an exciting way to celebrate the life of Jennifer "Jennefire" Ososki Jones. She passed away at the young age of 43; survived by her husband, George, who is driving the motorcycle with the casket, and her four dogs, it's obvious to see that this woman had a lot of friends and will be sorely missed.
Jennifer called herself a "free spirit" who classified her family as her whole life and on top of everything, Jennifer wished for memorial donations to be be made to the Animal Rescue Foundation. That's how much she loved animals! While she will certainly be missed by the countless friends she had, one thing is for certain, with a biker like that up in heaven, we're sure there's a new biker angel up there watching over her family!
Everyone has their own special way to grieve the loss of a loved one, and something tells us that a lady that sounds that cool must have gotten a real smile out of this special way to say goodbye. Rest in peace Jennifer, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your dear family.
Please SHARE this beautiful story if you think bikers are good people!