Watch Two Expensive Corvettes Crash When Their Drivers Try To Race Each Other

Most people who have ultra-expensive vehicles do their best to take care of them. But two Corvette drivers at a stoplight just couldn't resist the appeal of an impromptu drag race on a road that is definitely not meant for drag racing. A guy in the car behind them was lucky enough to be filming the moment they hit the gas… And what happened next is exactly what you'd expect.

I take care of my car as though it were my child, so it always makes me cringe to see people treat their vehicles like toys. Just like when the driver of this shiny, brand-new truck was positively careless  when loading his vehicle onto another truck, the drivers of these Corvettes seem like they weren't even thinking when they sped off as soon as the light turned green. I honestly can't tell who was dumber:  the drivers, or these teens who were more focused on goofing around with a selfie stick than paying attention to the road. Is it really so difficult to attempt to be safe on the road?

Luckily, it seems that both of the drivers involved in this crash were fine, but many other people who engage in such stupid stunts end up in the hospital…or worse. Whether you own a fancy sports car or just a beat-up hand-me-down car that your parents gave you, just remember that a few moments of fun aren't worth thousands of dollars in vehicle repairs or hospital bills.

Make sure you SHARE these reckless drivers with everyone you know!