Dad’s Sweater Embarrasses Son On The 1st Day Of School

There's no denying that being embarrassed by your parents is a true rite of passage when you're growing up.

We've all been there, whether you can remember or not (I know I've mentally blocked out a lot of embarrassing carpool moments). For me, it was always my Dad's singing. Whenever I had a friend over, he'd insist on breaking into this show tunes fan, singing songs we've never, ever heard of. Then, I remember how angry it would make me and it suddenly all makes sense.

You don't really understand why parents insist on doing things to purposely embarrass you until you're an adult and have kids of your own… And let's face it, getting the chance to tease your own kids in a playful way is one of the best parts about having them! It's important to note that there's a big difference between being harmlessly embarrassing and publicly shaming your kids, like this Dad did when his daughter was stealing from their family. While I'm sure that Dad had a tough time deciding the right punishment, doing something like that could have terrible repercussions.

What happens in the following video? Not so much. You just have to laugh when this little boy reveals why he's embarrassed of his Dad on the first day of school. He probably won't always stay upset, but at least they have this hysterical video to remind him when he's older.

Are you laughing? Don't keep this all to yourself… SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!