Amazing 10-Year-Old Boy Helps Blind Deer Find Food Every Day Before School

When it comes to wild animals, we are often taught to stay away, as they could be dangerous. But sometimes, those creatures are in need of our help.

There are so many incredible stories of struggling wild animals who are saved by random acts of kindness, like this baby fox who is rescued after being caught in a net.

These stories absolutely warm the heart, and they prove just how important it is to be on the lookout for these helpless animals. So when I saw what one 10-year-old boy did for a blind deer, my heart completely melted.

In Chicago, a young boy was photographed walking around his neighborhood with a deer. While normally a person would be nervous about having a child so close to a wild animal, the boy's reason is truly inspiring.

Scroll through to see exactly why this boy was spotted walking this blind deer around every day before school. And when I read the happy ending, I was extremely moved — what an incredible young man!

Neighbors posted a photo of this 10-year-old boy walking a blind deer from yard to yard. This was a morning ritual for the boy each day before school. Because the deer could not see, the boy took it upon himself to escort her to different grass patches in


The young boy’s neighbor posted this photo on Imgur and wrote this message:

“My wife and I took this photo yesterday after seeing this happen for a few days. My wife called the local wildlife rescue group a few towns over. They have a vet on staff and will be picking the animal up today to bring her [to] a forest preserve where she can be looked after and stay out of traffic. I hope she does ok because she was so docile. I wish I could do something for the kid. He’s probably going to miss her.”

The boy's incredible kindness, as well as the Imgur user's message, quickly went viral and have been shared all over the internet.


Several days later, the Imgur poster added this update:

“An IDNR licensed wildlife rehabilitation group picked up the deer in a horse trailer a few hours ago. They’re the only people who are legally able to treat and shelter a deer in Illinois. Half the neighborhood came out to see it, including the young boy and his mom. I will follow up with the facility to see how the deer is doing soon.”

While it is sad that the boy will no longer have his morning companion, support has been overwhelming for the kind boy and for the neighbors who were able to get the deer assistance.


The post continued:

"For those of you who are upset about this boys feelings about the deer going away for licensed treatment: His concern was very mature. He had only been walking the deer for a few days and hadn't named her or tried to claim her as a pet or anything like that. Neither did he shelter her indoors or leave food outside for her which is against the law in our state. He just wanted her to be ok and was relieved to know she would be safe.

When they took her away I spoke to some more people and it sounds like the rest of the neighborhood has been feeding her and guiding her away the road for almost a week now. The little boy was by far the sweetest example of helping and caring. He showed a lot of love and respect and my wife and I are going to talk to his mom about a way she would want to see his act of kindness rewarded. We are going to frame this photo for them and offer to take him to the local wildlife preserve whenever he wants to go.”

This openhearted young boy went out of his way to take care of this struggling creature. His story is an absolute inspiration, and his help kept the blind deer fed until animal rescue could come and provide assistance.

What do you think of this 10-year-old's heartwarming actions? Let us know in the comments.

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