WWII Veteran Pays It Forward After A Local Woman Replaces His Stolen Bike

This country is full of honorable veterans who have made it their duty to protect this country in its darkest hours.

Whether they’re on active duty right this moment, or long past their Army days, all of these brave individuals have one thing in common: they deserve our appreciation.

It’s always heartwarming to hear about the incredible ways that ordinary people pay their respects to our veterans, like all of the people that banded together to help give this wounded warrior a new home. Unfortunately, not every veteran receives the treatment that he or she deserves.

Ninety-two-year-old veteran Mario Farina was on the receiving end of some disrespectful behavior last week, after his 35-year-old Schwinn bicycle was swiped from his yard. The elderly gentleman, one of the last remaining veterans of WWII, had been preparing the bike for sale.

Then, a local woman named Mary Hamm caught wind of the robbery. Her father, who just passed away this year, was also a WWII vet.

She decided to take action in honor of her dad, of Mr. Farina, and all of their fellow soldiers — including these 45 men who recently flew to the newly minted WWII museum in New Orleans. Check out their heartwarming story in the video below, and learn how Mr. Farina decided to pay it forward.

And if this story of a veteran and his community touched your heart, please SHARE on Facebook in honor of soldiers and veterans everywhere!