On ‘Cuban Chrome,’ A Family Tries To Restore A 1953 Oldsmobile

Though I've never been savvy enough to change a tire, I've always loved cars, particularly classic cars like this Lamborghini Miura and the 1968 Camaro. But there's no bigger hub for old cars than Cuba.

Since the United States and Cuba have renewed ties, there has been a steady influx of American tourists coming into the country. Allowed among these tourists are camera crews, which have since documented the vibrant and colorful lifestyle of the country's citizens.

Cuba's culture is certainly very fascinating, but it's the people's obsession with old cars that really catches the eye. And Discovery's Cuban Chrome is there to catch it on camera.

It is still very difficult for people who own these old, classic American cars to import the car parts that allow them to earn a living. This is the case of Demetrio and his three sons, who are trying to find a new motor for their 1953 Oldsmobile. They need to restore the car so they can earn more money chauffeuring tourists and be part of one of Havana's premiere car clubs.

But they're running into some problems in the process. They were very close to obtaining a motor, but it was sold from under them at the last minute.

In this clip from the show, Demetrio pleads to the car club president for the engine.

Does he find the part he needs? Watch to find out!

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