This Pup Is So Confused By The Kitten That Wants A Piggyback Ride

There are tons of things that you do as a kid that aren't really acceptable as an adult anymore. Sledding full-speed down a snowy hill while 6-year-olds are trying to have a good snow day is one of them, along with joining in on the bouncy house fun at your little cousin's birthday party. It can be hard to resist the temptation to revert back to childhood activities, but at least you'll always have the memories!

Another great childhood activity is getting piggyback rides. It's one of life's highlights, for sure. Everyone has sweet childhood memories of an older brother or sister, a mom or dad, or a friend who can barely pick them up and carry them around the yard. Sadly, this is something adults can't really be on the receiving end of, either.

There was one occasion where giving a piggyback ride to another adult was a truly heroic act. He was doing it to help a friend in need.

This little kitty doesn't need help, but he really, really wants his puppy pal to give him a piggyback ride. Fido thinks it's time for Felix to grow up, and he's having none of his childish nonsense. But this determined kitty cat is not about to let go of his youth! In fact, he's hanging on for dear life!

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