Dance has changed so much over the past few decades. The things people are able to do with their bodies is insane, and the level of control dancers have over their bodies is out of this world. They make it look so easy that even those of us who have a hard time simply not tripping up the stairs think we can master the moves, too. (Spoiler: we can't.)
What we don't always remember is that just because dance has taken such a drastic turn in style, it doesn't mean that the older forms of dance are any easier to master.
Partner dancing is a whole different monster to tame when it comes to movement. Every single step is crucial when working so closely with another person. Sure, there's less radical movement, but achieving the effortless flow that comes with partner dancing is something that those same clumsily inclined spectators wouldn't even dare to attempt.
When a couple steps onto the dance floor to some upbeat, brassy music, I'm already excited to see what unfolds. Then, right away, a third person comes center stage! It seems a little strange at first, but once you realize you're not seeing double, you'll be blown away by their fancy footwork!
It's so awesome to see some old-school dancing like this. Watch for the move at 2:08… it's so cute!
If this brought you back, or if it simply made you smile, please SHARE with your family and friends!
Our generation shows how it's done!
Posted by Terry Litke on Saturday, October 18, 2014