Mechanics Save Red Tail Hawk Stuck In A Car Bumper

One of my worst fears when I'm driving is accidentally injuring a helpless animal. When you're driving down a country road, for example, chances of hurting animals like deer increase. So when a driver turned a blind corner and hit a poor creature, I can picture how much he must have panicked.

The distraught driver pulled up into Urb's Garage and Collision Center and made a strange request: Can anyone please save the red tail hawk stuck under his car, in the bumper?

The mechanics were stumped by the request, but being outdoorsmen themselves, they knew what to do. Of course, they called for the services of Fish and Wildlife Department, but immediately started to work on saving the bird. Watch the three mechanics cautiously try to pry the bird from the bumper. They concede that they even have to break down the bumper in order to do the least harm to the animal.

By the time the wildlife experts arrived, the hawk was free and ready to be transported to a safe rehabilitation center. One of the animal's wings was injured, but experts say that the bird will make a full recovery and can be released back into the wild once the injured wing heals!

We love that these guys could make such an incredible save — without being experts!

Warning: the following video contains brief graphic imagery, which some viewers may find disturbing.

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