He Poured Coca-Cola On His Car, But The Reason Why Is So Cool! I’m Trying This!

Add this to the list of things I'd never thought of, but so glad someone else did: Cleaning your car with coke!

For once, baking soda and vinegar take a back seat to this bubbly beverage. Just another way to clean with household products.

In this pretty interesting clip, a guy uses a bottle of coca-cola and a sponge to completely take off the rust from the bumper of his car. It starts off slow, but keep watching, because the transformation is kind of mind blowing! Even the guy in the video seems surprised at just how well it works.

I'm not sure what makes this process happen, but even the comments in the original YouTube video say that trying this did indeed produce the same results!

Get rid of all those chemicals and just use a little coke the next time you have to clean something!

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