Bailey the beagle is remarkable for a number of reasons. Besides his obviously adorable face, Bailey is also special for one specific trick. His trick is so good, in fact, that David Letterman just had to have him on his show! While Letterman says that beagles are snarky, he has no idea just how right he is until it's time for Bailey's performance!
With just the simple words of "play dead," Bailey takes an old-as-time dog trick and takes it up a notch! I have seen dogs play dead, I have even seem them roll over as if caught in a war, but never have I seen them do what Bailey does! I wonder how Bailey and his dad came up with this trick? I am sure they are constantly impressing people with his hilarious skill — don't you think?
Please SHARE this hilarious clip with your friends and family!
If you thought Bailey could play dead, then you must see this dramatic dog act out an epic death scene!