The bond between a father and son can be one of the most amazing (and strongest) bonds you'll ever see in this world. It's especially poignant when a father has worked so hard all his life to help provide for his family and also set a good example for his growing son of what a true man should be.
But how do you repay that kind of father? How do you, as a son, grow up to be able to show your dad how much he means to you and what your relationship has meant to your own growth and development as a father?
Well, one YouTuber has found a pretty amazing way to say thank you to his dad. S. Joseph Mann recently surprised his father with one of the coolest birthday gifts I've ever seen.
In the video, you'll see as it starts off a bit slow with Mann's father reading his birthday card and then opening what he thinks is his sole gift. It's a nice picture frame with two pictures of Dad as a young man with his favorite car that he had when he was younger.
Also in the frame, however, is another birthday card (this one even more emotional than the first) covering a set of keys.
Dad pulls the card off the frame and reads it aloud as basically the entire family begins tearing up. When he gets to the end, it tells him to grab the keys from the frame, take his son's hand, and follow him out front.
Dad plucks the keys from the frame, takes his son by the arm, and closes his eyes as his son leads him through the house and out onto the front porch.
This is where the video gets really good. At about the 3:30 mark, with the whole family assembled out front, Mann tells his father to open his eyes, and when he does his jaw drops wide open. He lets out a quick, tiny curse word and takes off his glasses before hugging his son while choking back tears.
The camera then pans around and we see what Mann has gotten his father for his birthday: a shiny, newly restored version of the exact classic car his father had in those pictures! It's a beautiful, green GTO that, when turned over, purrs like a kitten.
Dad is flabbergasted, but it's clear that he's also extremely excited. Minutes later, he's in the driver's seat with his wife in the passenger's seat.
"Just like the old days," he says as they buckle up, back out of the driveway, and go for a ride that will surely bring back some memories.
Wow! What an amazing son. What an amazing dad. And what an amazing bond between them. This is one birthday S. Joseph Mann's father will never forget!
Please SHARE this heartwarming video with all your friends and family!!