Pilot Pretends To Pass Out While Flying In This Prank. The Passenger’s Reaction? PRICELESS!

It's difficult to prank someone in the sky, but the gentleman in this video has certainly earned his wings.

The prank itself is simple enough: some dude is filming his awesome pilot friend fly around like a god. Everything is going pretty well…until the pilot slumps over. That's when the prank truly hits its climax.

The guy behind the yoke really sells it, too: he slowly slumps, pushing the yoke forward, which in turn aims the plane to the ground. There's a truly beautiful moment when the distant land shoots into focus and the cameraman suddenly realizes he's going to die.

In a final blaze of bravado and glory, the guy filming the whole thing instantly freaks out. He gingerly taps the pilot's shoulder and screams like a baby frog for the next 10 seconds. He doesn't think to mess with the controls or anything — he just keeps recording while freaking out.

The video ends with the pilot "coming to" and turning his head toward the camera, looking very pleased with himself. My only problem with the whole video is that I think the pilot should have held his unconscious pose longer! I'm not talking about anything crazy, just a good 30 seconds more.

Please SHARE this awesome video with your friends.