Their New Puppy Meets The Cat For The First Time… By 1:14, I Couldn’t Stop Laughing!

Seeing two of your favorite animals reach that point where they decide that they love each other will invariably warm your heart like nothing else. When it's your puppy and your kitty? Better grab the tissues…

One proud pet owner brought home a new puppy, Solomon, as a friend to their older cat, Watson. As he notes in the video’s description on YouTube, Watson was not a fan of the big, goofy animal who kept following him around the house. It took Watson some time to come around.

Samoyeds are already so adorable you could find yourself in a puddle of tears just watching them (you don’t even have to have one!) — like when Lexi tries to wake her human dad up from his nap by gently snuggling his face. Or like this samoyed who meets a feisty kitten for the first time and is absolutely beside himself with joy.

We know cats, generally, prefer to be left alone. But Samoyeds are extremely playful, personable, and generally a high-energy animal. Watson and Solomon were polar opposites personality-wise. A concerted effect on Solomon’s part (or a genuine curiosity) helped foster a tolerance in Watson. And 11 months later…amazing.

If you believe that true friendship knows no species, SHARE this adorable duo with your family and friends!